So schöne Worte von unserem Budenmädel @jeanyinthejungle ❤️
Dankeschön und euch allen ein schönes WE 🌺
When I was in Australia and discovered my passion for crystals and the moon, I knew in an instant that I wanted to stay.. stay in this sparkling bliss right in the middle of excitement and meditative peace.. And when I came back home to Europe I felt so alone and frankly like a lost crazy hippie lady.. fast forward another year and I am standing in the middle of Dortmund, surrounded by beauty, in the same (yet always unique) sweet crystal vibe.. can’t afford 3 vacations a year but found a life I’m not desperately trying to run from 🕉
@yogabude Danke für all die Schönheit :)
#livingthelife #amethyst #geode #clearquarz #goodlife #doyou #ganesha #gold #centered #ganeshisfresh #yoga #yourvibeattractsyourtribe